How do people get to blog almost daily! I just find that I don't have enough time in the day to do it!

I so admire the likes of Amy Lapi, Elise Blaha, Kelly Purkey (links to their blogs are on my side bar) and many others who manage to write something in their blog almost everyday!

I'm going to try to do that too.. maybe not everyday.. but definitely more often.

So.. I'll be back later with a proper update.. I need to get ready for work!

*sigh* Monday always gets here too soon! (I know it's dated Saturday.. I started a draft then. LOL! But it's now actually Monday when I got to posting)

6 Responses
  1. Shirley Says:

    ummmm, they don't have dial-up? LOL!

  2. Monday did get here way too soon!

  3. Silvitanova Says:

    It's wednesday already Michelle!
    Love their blogs to!

  4. PROLIX Says:

    Best wishes for 2008!!!


    {ThE fReNcH tOuCh}

  5. Linda Says:

    Hi Michelle! Just stopped by to see what you're up to! Haven't seen too much from you on SIS lately! Hope you're doing ok! Good luck with the blogging everyday! I can't seem to make that happen! LOL! Oh well! Happy Friday! Linda

  6. Marlies Says:

    Hi Michelle... looking forward to your next post! ;-)
    Hope you have a great weekend.
