How long have you been scrapping? Just over a year

What one word describes your scrapping style? Colorful

How many times have you been published? Twice in an ezine... hope to get published on paper soon! :)

Would you rather do layouts or make cards? Layouts.. somehow cards take me almost half the time I need with layouts!

Do you paper craft? Ummm... apart from scrapping? I guess not really..

Have you tried or converted to digital scrapping yet? I've tried.. and do digis occassionally, but I will never fully convert.. I've always had a love affair with paper.

What’s your least favorite layout ever? Probably my earlier works.. when I was still learning and discovering my own style

What’s your most favorite layout ever? I've got more than one.. Tired of Waiting, Turning 27, This Girl

Do you consider yourself a poor, fair or great journaler? Fair I guess.. but I wish I have the flair with journaling like a lot of other scrappers

Do you follow the trends or scrap for yourself? I scrap mainly for myself.. but I do try out some of the trends that do suit me...

What’s the worst scrapbook product you ever purchased? Probably an alpha cut out template thing...

What’s your favorite scrapbooking tool? I love my Crop-A-Dile so far...

Do you scrap better alone or with others? Alone... when I scrap with others I think I tend to socialise more than scrap! LOL! Saying that.. I'm going to a crop this Friday.. my first one ever!

Are you on any design teams? Currently I'm on Dragonflaire design team

If the “industry” came to a halt today, would you continue scrapping exactly as you do today? I would think so.. I scrap as a creative outlet and to preserve memories for myself when I get too old to remember.

What’s on your scrapbook desk this very moment? I don't have a scrapbook desk.. I scrap on my bed.. and my desk actually holds all my supplies...

What’s your favorite thing about scrapping? The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when I finish a layout that really reflects me... and of course the praise too! LOL!
3 Responses
  1. Ruey Says:

    you have been one busy blogger!!! I can't believe you do such fabulous layouts on your bed and that your desk holds all your supplies...must be a pretty big desk!!!

  2. Vee Says:

    i need to get a crop-a-dile!!
    everyone seems to love it :)

  3. omg how on earth do u scrap on the bed with glue etc..?
    Have a great weekend