I was soooooo happy to see the sun! On Saturday I went out for brunch with the usual brunch crew - Adri, Laura and Andy... and Liang(Andy's wife) and Laura's mom.... we went to Sweet Mother's Kitchen. Now we've been there really often for dinner and dessert before, but most of us haven't been there for brunch so we thought we'd check it out.
I had Big J's breakfast (pictured below)... it was pretty good.. the sausage was really tasty! Full of flavors! After brunch we went for a walk along the waterfront and ended up at a restaurant/bar for coffee. Spent a couple of hours there just catching up with each other and it was great. The day was just lovely with a light breeze.. and you can see so many girls walking around in summer gear!!!
Went home and Jay asked if I wanted to go to the Botanical Gardens to take photos. I jumped at the chance since it was such a nice day and I've not had any new photos lately. So we walked around and got lots of photos!! YAY!
That evening I chatted with Lies on MSN and kinda got myself and Jay invited over for dinner! :) She had asked me on Friday for my mee goreng recipe.. and when we chatted.. she reported that she'd made them and they came out a little different to how mine tasted. So I said, she'll need to make them for me one day to test. And she said 'now?' and that's how Jay and I ended up at Lies' place for dinner. We got to meet Mao, one of Lies' flatmates. He's an avid photographer.. and has taken amazing photos! I loved them!! He took out his fisheye lense and we had a bit of silly fun! LOL!
All in all.. a great night... good food (Yes Lies.. your mee goreng was great!!!) and great company.. and a funny comedy, The Sweetest Thing (one of my all time favorites!) on TV. Just perfect.

Sunday was pretty quiet.. Jay and I went to North City Plaza for a look around... I was on the hunt for Fiskars XL Circle punch at KMart but there wasn't any there! Hmph! We had an early dinner at the foodcourt and off we went to do a bit of grocery shopping and that was our Sunday.

All in all a pretty satisfying weekend!

A few shots from my Saturday

Big J's Breakfast

Andy & Liang

I love this!

Jay took lots of photos of me.. here are a few faves...

This is my most favorite photo at the moment.

I have a thing for these kind of lamp posts! I would be in lamp post heaven on the streets of London!!! :D

Flower shots I took...

Well.. that's it for now. Scrappy update soon!
get your minds out of the gutter!
What I mean is that OPAAT's October kit is up!
Isn't that skull stamp the cutest??? Can't wait to create with this kit.

Ok.. back to whatever it is you were doing before you stopped by here. :)

I can't believe that it's been so long since I last blogged! Life has been pretty slow for me.. not much to share.. mojo has gone on an extended vacation.. so I've not been scrapping either. I hate it when this happens.. i feel like I've wasted precious scrapping time! Oh well... not much I can do about it...

Just posting photos from Lies's birthday dinner last night.. We had dinner at Nicolinnis... yummy Italian food. That place is always packed and we were pretty much reminded to leave after having some cake. There were people waiting! We moved on to Red Square for drinks. Jay and I didn't stay long as I didn't feel too well. As usual, good friends + good food = lots of laughter and fun! It was great to get together with these guys and gals.. it has been a while. :)

Did this for This Is Me challenge... My Secret:

I've got 2 more to do.. but just not feeling it right now.. will catch up on those soon.. same with my daily cards.. when my mojo leaves.. it really leaves! :(

Well.. have a great week ahead! I'm off to bed soon! Work again tomorrow...

WOW! Today I was totally blown away! Big SIS (Jeanette aka JJ) posted about choosing a Lil' SIS at SIStv.. and then went on to say :

OK, get this...we have been working on the whole new "guest Fashionista" idea for a while, and it just hit me that we need to have TWO! One that I choose, and one that the Fashionistas choose...they are equal in "status" or whatevah you want to call it, but one is my choice and one is the girls...what do you think????? I'm so excited because I already know who mine is!!! Hehehehehehehe...it was REALLY hard, because I could make a list of people right now off the top of my head who I would like to choose...just gives me a lot of options for other months, though... :D

OK, I'll stop back by soon and make my announcement...I can't wait!!! the F girls may have to make theirs a little bit later, because I have to get their votes in...

And then.. she posted a new thread with the title:

Click Here To Find Out

I totally wanted it to be like when they announce "America's Next Top Model"...they just show the picture. So I've linked her profile! Hehe
**Before I said October, because apparently, I'm on drugs...I have been thinking so much about KC's collection for October, I got confused...snap! I let it out again!!!

Soon, you will be hearing from me about why I chose this awesome girl for my first ever L'il SISter...stay tuned!

When I clicked on the link.. I nearly died! It linked to my profile page!
I don't even know what I did to deserve this!!
Quoting JJ - I'm totally verklempt! I just am gobsmacked!

I just feel totally warm and fuzzy all over!!!

So I finally got my Mix Tape layout done for the This Is Me challenge. Here it is:

Thanks for sharing my exciting news!! :) I still can't believe it!!!
I got to finish work early on Friday.. I got half the day off! Jay picked me up from work and we headed out to Denny's for lunch and drove to Titahi Beach. It felt almost summery.. the sun was out.. not too windy.. a really beautiful day! After that I went home and just mooched around.. which I alternated with scrapping and checking out galleries and watching Gilmore Girls. That's pretty much all I did for the bigger part of the weekend!

On Saturday I played the Lunchbox Swap that Trish hosted over at Scrappers Bliss - White Elephant style! It was great fun! Although we did miss Shirley.. somehow it felt different without her in one of these swaps. I think I had a "Steal From Me" sign across my forehead! I got stolen from 3 times! Oh well. It's part of the fun I guess.

On Sunday I went for yumcha with Jay and Jin - it was Jin's birthday. After yumcha we took a nice long drive around the bays out to The Warehouse in Kilbirnie.. it was a really beautiful day again! A light wind but sunny.. all three of us were ecstatic with the beautiful day! We had a quick look around the Warehouse and then had gelato at Mint Cafe next to it. The next stop was Borders - I had a 3 or 2 coupon for boxed dvd sets.. got Gilmore Girls seasons 4, 5 and 6! :D Did a bit of grocery shopping and went home to Gilmore Girls. Finished up my entry for This Is Me challenge and went to bed. What a weekend! Totally relaxing and stress free and fun!

Earlier this week, I was gutted that I didn't make the American Crafts DT.. I had my heart set on it.. and of course I poured out my woes at SIStv... and the SISters have just shown me so much support and understanding and lots of LUB! I've scrapped that whole thread and made it into a mini album. More people have added comments since I made the album. I'll be adding more pages to the album now. I love having it as a nice little pick me up!

My Amazing Support System (click on image for bigger picture)

Thanks for stopping by!!