I can't believe that it's been so long since I last blogged! Life has been pretty slow for me.. not much to share.. mojo has gone on an extended vacation.. so I've not been scrapping either. I hate it when this happens.. i feel like I've wasted precious scrapping time! Oh well... not much I can do about it...

Just posting photos from Lies's birthday dinner last night.. We had dinner at Nicolinnis... yummy Italian food. That place is always packed and we were pretty much reminded to leave after having some cake. There were people waiting! We moved on to Red Square for drinks. Jay and I didn't stay long as I didn't feel too well. As usual, good friends + good food = lots of laughter and fun! It was great to get together with these guys and gals.. it has been a while. :)

Did this for This Is Me challenge... My Secret:

I've got 2 more to do.. but just not feeling it right now.. will catch up on those soon.. same with my daily cards.. when my mojo leaves.. it really leaves! :(

Well.. have a great week ahead! I'm off to bed soon! Work again tomorrow...

9 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hey Michelle!
    Great photos. I dig your TiMjournal page - love it!
    Have a cool week.

  2. Deanna Says:

    awesome photos!! Looks like a good time was had by all. Oh, and Congratualtions on Lil Sis!!! That is so awesome for you!


  3. Anonymous Says:

    oh looks fun! i love italian food. it's the best way to celebrate :)

  4. Pandachu Says:

    Dont u just hate it wen mojo goes out the window? Dont worry! It comes back stronger than ever...love the little secret of urs!!

  5. PROLIX Says:


    hope you're well.

    I stop the practice and the publication of any scrapbooking things since this moment.

    Indeed, since 2005 such several things began to happened without stopping
    (because I refused to do not honest things in work area as for an example :
    - plagiarism people on virtual international galleries for making their articles into their issues "without it has the air",

    - or because I refused to say yes to any negative pressures from people who wanted to take me professionnal informations by any means for making their own personal benefits,

    - or because I refused to do jobs without having a work contract and a wage and wage bills, (what it has been refused to me several times),

    - or working/giving my ideas for free in order other people are paid instead/make their own benefits on it into the industry,

    - and I don't speak of the similar creations found on some few internet business sites which look like to some of pics creations I downloaded on virtual galleries recently,

    etc etc etc...),

    I refuse to stand anymore negative pressures, intimidation, mobbing, injures, insults, gossips, humiliations of any variety, and that even the memory of my deceased member of my family is used for hurting me.

    If I have to get any job into any area, it will only be by my work, my professionnal abilities and experience.

    If I have to get any job into any area, it will only be with a correct and honest work contract and a wage,
    as laws forecast in any cases and into any country I suppose.

    Nobody have to "offer" its work for free. A work has got a value : in time, in efforts, in stuffs budget, in researches time etc....

    Work have to be respected. People who work have to been respected.

    We are not free distributor of work.

    We are craftworkers.

    People won't never take us seriously if we go on to offer our job/work all the time as a "gift" to anybody.

    I totally understand it exists competition and concurrence into any professionnal areas.

    But nobody have to use that kind of disgusting practice for succeeding. Laws exist in any countries for protecting people of that.

    Nobody have to stand all that I stand for months in silence...

    I don't understand that still nobody do anything for making that kind of things stop.

    I don't understand why it so much people tolerating that kind of acts without moving/acting.

    It simply can happen to anybody.

    People have to been respected.

    We are human being, not supermarket objects.

    Merci beaucoup and bonne chance to everybody!!!

    Giant hugs!



    {ThE fReNcH tOuCh}

    Woman published more than 47 times since 1999,
    art exhibited more than 45 times since 1995 :

  6. Shirley Says:

    hope that you feel better soon! love the layout as always. WHAT???? no food pictures?

  7. ~currant7 Says:

    hi dear!
    great layout on the "this is me secret" and congrats on the guest position at SisTV. :D

  8. Vee Says:

    your journal is awesome and birthday celebrations are great! :)