I was soooooo happy to see the sun! On Saturday I went out for brunch with the usual brunch crew - Adri, Laura and Andy... and Liang(Andy's wife) and Laura's mom.... we went to Sweet Mother's Kitchen. Now we've been there really often for dinner and dessert before, but most of us haven't been there for brunch so we thought we'd check it out.
I had Big J's breakfast (pictured below)... it was pretty good.. the sausage was really tasty! Full of flavors! After brunch we went for a walk along the waterfront and ended up at a restaurant/bar for coffee. Spent a couple of hours there just catching up with each other and it was great. The day was just lovely with a light breeze.. and you can see so many girls walking around in summer gear!!!
Went home and Jay asked if I wanted to go to the Botanical Gardens to take photos. I jumped at the chance since it was such a nice day and I've not had any new photos lately. So we walked around and got lots of photos!! YAY!
That evening I chatted with Lies on MSN and kinda got myself and Jay invited over for dinner! :) She had asked me on Friday for my mee goreng recipe.. and when we chatted.. she reported that she'd made them and they came out a little different to how mine tasted. So I said, she'll need to make them for me one day to test. And she said 'now?' and that's how Jay and I ended up at Lies' place for dinner. We got to meet Mao, one of Lies' flatmates. He's an avid photographer.. and has taken amazing photos! I loved them!! He took out his fisheye lense and we had a bit of silly fun! LOL!
All in all.. a great night... good food (Yes Lies.. your mee goreng was great!!!) and great company.. and a funny comedy, The Sweetest Thing (one of my all time favorites!) on TV. Just perfect.

Sunday was pretty quiet.. Jay and I went to North City Plaza for a look around... I was on the hunt for Fiskars XL Circle punch at KMart but there wasn't any there! Hmph! We had an early dinner at the foodcourt and off we went to do a bit of grocery shopping and that was our Sunday.

All in all a pretty satisfying weekend!

A few shots from my Saturday

Big J's Breakfast

Andy & Liang

I love this!

Jay took lots of photos of me.. here are a few faves...

This is my most favorite photo at the moment.

I have a thing for these kind of lamp posts! I would be in lamp post heaven on the streets of London!!! :D

Flower shots I took...

Well.. that's it for now. Scrappy update soon!
14 Responses
  1. Suzy West Says:

    great shots!!!

  2. Suzy West Says:

    Great shots girlie!!!

  3. Trynity Says:

    Okay.. so Im not a big fan of eggs.. but MMMM potatoes...

    PLus.. I Love your blog.
    Wanna know why ?
    Well let me answer in my own tryn trnity way..

    Dear Michelle My friend a-far
    the one I know
    is a true rockstar
    for your BLOG is rocking
    more than you know
    there's some awesome pictures
    from the cool places you go
    I loved the shot of you in the flowers
    looking demure
    and hiding your powers
    And then there's the tunes
    of which Im a fan
    Hey There Deliliah
    a great song by a man
    So I promise to visit
    and stop in and say HI
    because you're so cool
    and you don't even try

  4. Ruey Says:

    fabulous fabulous photos!!!! Sooo envious of your carefree and fun weekends. Our weekends usually mean that we step into our part time jobs as chauffeurs for our kids!! u got to give me your mee goreng recipe too...if it doesn't turn out right...u come over right??? hey..we should chat on msn one day!!

  5. Sharon Says:

    Great pics - and I love that wine quote!!

  6. Jen Says:

    the photos are amazing! great post!

  7. Wendy Says:

    GREAT PICS!! you look fab :)

  8. Wendy Says:

    GREAT PIX!! you look fab :)

  9. Laurie Says:

    so love the photos!!!
    love the lamp posts...

  10. Vee Says:

    love your picss, your hair is gorgeous and that breakfast looked yummy! :)

  11. TLHarwick Says:

    Love those shots of you! Beautiful! Good to catch up with you.. missing my fellow Turkey!

  12. Ady Says:

    beautiful pics... found you on sistv. have a great weekend...