I like Mondays....the fact that it's the start of a brand new week makes it pretty exciting.I get excited to see what the week holds for me.. so Mondays are good... busy but still good.I enjoyed and savored the moments of my day and appreciated the little things.My little thing today was that I downloaded Bob Sinclar feat Dollarman - Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now) - LOVE this song!And then I danced around my room with this song playing on loop!! LOL!It felt really good to do that after a hard day at work.I strongly recommend taking time out each day to just dance with pure abandon!
And I put the camera on timer and took pics too! Hahhaha....total cam whore but I don't care! :DJust wanna share!Hope you've all had a lovely Monday!
I have a glittered rainbow on my bedroom floor! :) Working on a special project at the moment and I'm pretty happy with how it's coming along!!!LOVE it when things turn out like how I see it in my head. It's lovely and sunny here today.. eventhough it's cold, I don't care.. I'm just so happy to see the sun!! Have a lovely day all!!!xoxox
Have you ever woken up from a dream and felt all warm and fuzzy?I did this morning! I had a really random dream last night where this cute guy (supposedly a friend of mine - but no one I actually know in real life) was being totally nice to me. I was really bogged down at work and a group of us were having lunch together in a cafeteria-like place (somewhere that felt like it was very near my work place) where I said that I wish I could take an hour lunch break to go for a walk and destress for a bit.This guy friend got up and disappeared for a couple of minutes and came back with a number (like the type you get when you order food), put it down on the table and said to me.. go take your hour break. You can now... and I was stumped! Apparently he worked it out with my manager or boss or something that he'd work that hour for me! In my dream I got the vibe that he was keen on me (and that was a really nice feeling!) and I kinda liked him too... did I mention he was cute??!!! And then at another totally random time, we were both in my room back in Malaysia and apparently I've got a new baby sister!!! We were both just playing and loving on the baby..and totally acting like we were a couple! It was kinda weird.. a nice kind of weird.I wonder what this dream means... anyway.. it made me feel really warm & fuzzy today....what a nice feeling. :)
For this!!!!!!!!!
I had a pretty good weekend... quiet, relaxing but productive.Friday after work I caught up with Gusti and tried out the new Korean restaurant called NewKor (yeah.... original huh?!). Priza and Bang Dade came by a bit later and we just sat and caught up. It was nice.Went home and finished up my June ATCs for the swap over at SISTV. The them is Flowery & Sparkly. Mine are pretty simple but I like them. :)
Saturday was spent doing laundry and brainstorming in the morning and figuring out how to thread my sewing machine and then in the afternoon, I managed to sweet talk Bang Dade into taking me to Spotlight to get supplies to make SISversary nametags. I was pretty happy with what I came up with and finally finished everything last night and they went postal today! Unfortunately I can't post piccies yet - don't want to spoil the surprise (in case any of those ladies actually read my blog). :) So stay tuned and I'll post pics as soon as I can.Today was really busy at work - the full team came by for lunch and a quick catchup and we had a group photo in our new t-shirts. :) Then I went into full on proof reading mode for the rest of the afternoon and didn't get home till close to 6pm!I was so tired that I actually took at catnap for about 40 minutes - took a shower and had dinner and just edited a few photos.It's only 9.30pm now but I'm exhausted so I'm going to call it a night. I've actually drafted a couple of posts before this, but have yet to edit photos, so those will pop up soon when I'm done with the photos! Too tired to do more tonight.