OMG I'm exhausted! I stayed up all night Friday and whole of Saturday morning getting my Round 3 project for the ScrapStreet Star contest completed. Started earlier in the week but mojo went missing for a few days.. only came back like early Saturday morning! What's up with that?! Anyway... I got my entry completed and uploaded on time.

For Round 3 we had to design a scrapbook class to teach - a layout, a technique or project... I chose to teach a class called 1 Year in 12 Layouts. To see my class and instructions, go to: Class: 1 Year in 12 Layouts

Cover of album




Now that I've got this super fun album all made up.. I'm going to make sure that I scrap my monthly review by the end of the first week of the next month! Check on me will ya? Make sure I do remember to do it! LOL!

On another note, I got the new HAMBLY yesterday! OMG it was an awesome mailday! First of all, I got my goodies from the music swap. Lisa sent me the pacakage on 27th February.. but I think she might have gone with the slower mail option as I only got the package yesterday! Almost 6 weeks later! Both of us almost gave up hope and thought that it had gone missing in the mail.

When I came home, I saw my order from Scrapgal on top of my mailbox! I was sooooo excited. The moment I got into my apartment, I didn't even bother changing out of my work clothes... tore right into the package and sniffed the yummy goodness of HAMBLY! :D Yup.. you heard right.. I sniffed them! They smell like vanilla.. how can you resist that?!

As you can see.. I actually used some of them already in my layouts above... I was a little nervous about cutting them up at first... they're sooooo pretty to look at!

Ok.. I'm off to bed for very much needed sleep! Have a great day!
8 Responses
  1. Shirley Says:

    FAB as usual! Will have to check it out more later after I get my hair cut....

  2. ~currant7 Says:

    love the album! rocking!
    i wish i could get the pp that you used in your Jan LO - love the colors and panelling. :D

    ty for your message. appreciate the kind words and regards. :D

  3. Love your class- what a great idea!!!

    Oh yeah - Hambly has an awesome vanilla smell - LOL!

  4. Silvitanova Says:

    Great Class, I have got the same paper as you used in my stach, (but not the overlay (:-() I'm gonna take your online class. i wish you all the luck in that competition!

  5. Jasmin B Says:

    Oh!! The album is so nice!! Love all the KI Memories colour too!!

    All gorgeous layouts!!

    I hope you don't mind cos I'm gonna link your blog to mine! *wink*

  6. Pandachu Says:

    Cool! I'm not usually a cam whore or picture taker but this could be a good time to get started esp on recording family events :)

  7. Robyn Says:

    That size is AWESOME!!!

  8. Vee Says:

    these are so gorgeous girl!!
    totally love 'em :)