I am reveling in the memories of the best birthday ever!

I am feeling so very blessed to have great friends.

I am happy beyond words.

I am thankful for everything in my life.

my heart is full.
to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Today I turn another year older... but I don't feel any different than I did yesterday... that's a good thing I suppose.
till I turn 29.

This is how I look at 28 years old... for narcissistic purposes.... I just want to take a photo of myself before I turn 29. :)
Today I find it just a little bit trying to be all positive, cheerful and happy when my heart is hurting.

Today I feel a bit sad.

Today it's a bit hard to look forward to my birthday tomorrow.

Today.. things are just a little bit harder than usual.
....till I turn 29. Somehow I don't feel any different to when I was about to turn 25 or 26 or 27 or 28. I wonder why. Is it because I'm enjoying and living my life to the fullest? Is it because I'm young at heart? is it because I'm optimistic that I will have a great year ahead no matter what age I'm turning? Or is it because I look at life with a glass half full attitude? Or maybe it's all of the above.. you tell me.

As I approach my 29th birthday I made an objective to have my blog fully updated with all that I've been up to in the past few months. I've started draft posts.. so the dates will all be before today.. hopefully I'll be able to post them all soon! So....... read backwards if you want to catch up on what I have been up to.

I know this is beginning to sound old.. but I truly just can't believe how fast the past 3 months have gone by. My social life has been pretty buzzin' and I have been extremely happy enjoying life and spending lots of time with my close friends. For me, life has never been better.

Will my 29th year be equally good? Hell yeah... it'll be even better I think! :D

I decided somewhere back in June this year that I wanted to start Project 365 on my birthday. i want to document the last year of my 20's. About a week ago, I had the thought that instead of just taking a photo a day, I'm going to make a mini album (yeah.. I love mini albums!) to house my daily photos and it'll also be like a diary for me to jot down things about that particular day. I'm really looking forward to this.. hopefully I'll be disciplined enough to keep at it for a whole year. :D

Guy Fawkes Day tonight - fireworks at the harbour as always. Kevin met up with me at my apartment and we both walked down to the waterfront to meet up with Lia and Dhani. We arrived behind Te Papa just as the fireworks were starting and thankfully managed to find a couple of empty benches to stand on. It was a pretty windy and chilly night but we had fun being part of the crowds. I didn't get great photos..but a few were passable. :D

Since Lia, Dhani and Kevin hadn't had dinner and I had mine soooooo early, we decided to go catch a late dinner at CHA. We had a good time just talking and hanging out. LAter on Willy, Faisal and Ovy met up with us too. Left at about 10.40pm and went home to bed.

A pretty good night all in all. :D
Yesterday was the first Saturday in a long time where my day wasn't bound by commitments and events.. it was the first Saturday in months where I could just wake up and decide spontaneously what I want to do.

I got up early (before 8am!!!) after a good night's sleep and just went about my normal morning routine of firing up my laptop and making a cup of coffee. Lia texted and we made plans to meet up at 10am in town with intentions to go to Te Papa for the Thai and Javanese wayang (shadow puppet) shows. I managed to complete half a layout with the new Urban Prep Collection from SISTV.

The 10.30 session of the wayang show was pretty slow, not a whole lot of people. After a while, we left and went up to the top of Te Papa out on the deck to take some photos. I got quite a few of Lia which I totally love.. and of course how could we not do our usual self-portraits??? :D

We went back in to catch a bit of the Javanese show and then left and went to Regal (our fave place) for yumcha... yummy! We had all the prawn dishes since it was just the two of us! LOL! It was good... after yumcha we bumped into Faisal and he dragged us off for a coffee at Sweet Mother's Kitchen. It was so wonderful to sit in the warm sun (mind you this is winter, and it's rare to have a nice warm sunny day!) and just hang out with friends.

Lia and I then went window shopping along Lambton Quay - I went in to Max with the thought of looking for the same pair of gray herringbone tights that I have (it's falling apart already!) and I didn't think there'd be any left but there was still a couple of pairs! So I got one... I love the pattern and texture of these tights... :D And I scored a gray shift dress for work at Glassons for only $50!! Woohoo! LOVE bargains! We both then headed back to my place and I transferred photos from the morning from my camera to my laptop and we just had fun looking at the photos and reliving the great morning that we had.

Bibhien, Dhani and Mario came by and hung out for a bit and then we all decided to go to Makara Beach since it was a nice day.. the sun had gone by then, but still light outside and it was such nice weather to pass up the chance. Despite having lived in Wellington for close to 10 years, I've never actually been to Makara Beach... so I was really keen to see the place.

We trekked along the gravel path up a grassy hill all the way up to the top of a cliff. Along the way we stopped quite a lot to take photos... a lot were just silly and us all having fun! It was really awesome.. we were all one big family - very close and very silly and carefree together. I love it! :D

When we finally got to the top of the cliff, it was already dark by then, but still nice to be able to sit and enjoy the peacefulness of the dusk. There were a lot of bees around for some reason and they kept buzzing around Dhani, Lia and I. Amidst the laughter, the photo taking.... there was quite a bit of shrieking on my and Lia's parts too!!! The bees just won't leave us alone!

On the walk back downhill , in the dark, the bees still followed us!! Crazy! All of us were so cute.. we held hands like kindergarten kids... Dhani in front and Mario at the back with Lia, myself and Bibhien in between. It was dark, but not pitch black. Due to a light drizzle earlier, the grass was wet and being the klutz that I am, I asked Dhani to go slow since i was afraid that I'd slip and fall (and dragging everyone down since we were all holding hands!). There was a few times when i almost did fall and then at one point, Dhani was trying to swat away the bees and someone (can't remember who) said something funny and we were all laughing and in a split second, I fell on my butt!!!!!! That caused a little bit of concern initially and then laughter after that. It was ok.. didn't hurt myself at all.. just got my top wet from the wet grass...

We managed to track all the way down the grassy hill and the gravel beach in the dark and back to the car in one piece without any major mishaps. We even managed to pose and take photos! LOL!

After that, we decided that fish and chips and an evening of relaxing and chilling out at my place wa
s the plan. We dropped Lia off for another appointment and went on our way to New World at the Railway station to pick up ketchup and tartare sauce and some munchies for the evening. Somehow, we managed to not just get the things we needed, we managed to take crazy photos at the supermarket too!!!

The evening went by with dinner, watching bits of the Olympics on tv, viewing photos from the day on the laptop, playing cards and lots and lots of laughter.

Yesterday was perfect. Yesterday I enjoyed and loved every second of my day. Yesterday was so memorable - filled with good friends, good food and an abundance of laughter and love. Yesterday was so good for my soul.

July proved to be a rollercoaster of a month. I've been overwhelmed, frustrated, scared, anxious, happy, sad and bittersweet.

Bad stuff:

  • Feeling overwhelmed at work
  • Feeling frustrated and hanging in the air about the state of my relationship with Jay

Hard stuff:

  • Talking to Jay to see where things are headed for us
  • Calling it quits with Jay

Good stuff:

  • Attended birthday parties 3 Saturdays in a row! (click on the collage to view the pictures in a larger format)
  • Lots of time hanging out with Elvry, Lia, Bibhien, Dhani, Mario, Mba Kiki, Bang Dade, Nina, Dessy and lot of others
  • Going out dancing
  • Good friends keeping me happy and sane!
  • Getting a boxful of goodies from SISTV
  • Receiving new perfume (Stella by Stella McCartney) from Sarina & Russell
  • Finally getting the 7Gypsies ATC spinner on sale! YAY!
  • Playing pool a lot.
Elvry's birthday

Ardya's belated birthday dinner

Lia's egg and flour 'party'

Lia's Birthday party

Had countless photos taken with friends Coffee at Expressoholic

Took an impromptu roadtrip to Palmerston North

So that's the summary of my July! :D

Ok.. the month has just flown by... and I've been so slack in recording all that I've been up to.. *sigh* I need at least another 8 daylight hours each day!!! I have been up to quite a lot actually...
  • Organized Online SISversary - was a really great experience.. a bit stressful ('cos I really wanted everything to go well and for the SISters to enjoy it)
  • Hosting SISversary - even posted a welcome video on Youtube!!
  • Elvry, Dhani & William came to keep me company when I was hosting SISversary and couldn't leave the house. :D
  • Dinner at Elvry's place (2 weekends in a row!) .. ayam kuning and soto ayam!! Yummy!!! Thanks Elv!!!
  • Went out clubbing for the first time in years 2 weeks ago... on Friday and Saturday!! :D
  • Went photo hunting with Dhani and Mario and Gusti - I'm not that satisfied with my photos, but it's all part of learning. And it was lots of fun...
  • Worked late a lot... just insanely busy at work right now.. I feel so exhausted!
  • Created no layouts until tonight.. but I did do quite a few ATCs and a few other little projects
  • Dance practice starting again at the Indonesian Embassy last Friday.. and will be going on till end of August possibly.
  • Meeting new friends and having new people to hang out with
  • PPI Wellington & Palmerston North friendly sports tournament last weekend.. great fun watching all the games and just hanging out with friends
  • An AMAZING night out dancing till 5.30am! (I've not actually done that for 3 years!!!) - I would relive every minute of that night again if I could.. it was the best night I've had in a long long time...
  • Catching up with Adi... and just having so much fun together.
Ok.. I'm blanking out now.. I can't even remember much else.. and even if I do.. I just don't have the energy to write them all down. Leaving you with my Kiwi Jack Me Up layout. :D

Have a great week!

At SISTV today... ends Friday June 27th, 12 CST.

Coupon code is ONEDAY - get 20% off your whole order!

Run now to the Boutique!!!

Have fun shopping!!! :D
I am totally knackered today... it's been a long crazy day at work.. and now fine-tuning plans for the Virtual SISversary.... totally completely exhausted!

I am soooo jealous of the FGirls who are enroute/already in Nashville for the big SISversary event this weekend... I wish could be there too!! Hopefully next time...

My cousin tagged me during the weekend.. so here we go...

~ 01
Michelle Tan Suk Yen

In a Long Distance Relationship


Don't really care... as long as it's ice cream!

Mint Choc Chip

Not gonna start listing... :)

Extrovert but can be a bit shy in new crowds, girly tomboy (yeah, go figure), chatty, friendly, creative, I don't know what else.. you tell me.



Yup.. used to at least.. piano and clarinet

~ 02
Depends on my mood

Art for sure, but I do love music too


Puppies and kittens! :)

MSN 'cos I don't skype


Depends on what I'm doing..


Both are equally essential!

Duh! Am i supposed to choose?!

~ 03
That's for me and God to know...

Scrapping & Photography
Life companion
Wait... did you say 5?

Keeping true to myself
Improving my photography
Pushing myself more in my scrapping
Ummm.. talk less? LOL!
Reaching my goal weight

They know who they are...

Judgemental People
Umm... can't think of anything else right now.

Well.. that's all for today... I need to go to bed!!
My week went by in a hazy blur... mainly just work and that's really it! :D

I did go running after work both on Tuesday and Thursday - so proud of myself for getting off my butt and get in some exercise. Although.. my hands and arms were totally frozen after my run on Thursday.. they were completely numb to the extent that I had to use the hair dryer to thaw them out!!!

Friday night I had plans with Lisa to have dinner and go watch Sex and The City. I got home from work, ordered some prints from Snapfish (they had a 1 cent promo that ended Friday midnight) and got ready. Lisa came and picked me up around 7.45pm and we headed into town. We went to ARoy, a Thai place to have dinner. We've both never been before.. the food were pretty ok.. nothing spectacular, but decent. After dinner we walked towards Reading Cinema and tried to kill time for a bit. At that stage we had about 45 minutes to go before the movie at 9.30pm. So we went to get our tickets which we booked online only to be told that we just needed to present the credit card with which the tickets were bought with at the stand where they take your tickets.. so that was easy enough. We both had a craving for ice cream... so went and checked out Wendy's and took us almost 10 minutes to finally decide on what to get. Heehee... ice cream is good!!!! The movie is freakin' brilliant! I LOVE the dialogue and the shoes.. and the clothes.. oh the clothes!! It was really an awesome movie.. loved every minute of it!!! And I'd go watch it again in a heartbeat if only tickets weren't so expensive! Got home and actually chatted with Kevan on MSN for close to 2 hours (no idea how that happened!) before i went to bed.

Saturday started out pretty uneventful... a little sleep in till about 9am.. got up.. got my coffee.. checked emails, checked SIS... etc etc... and then Elvry rang around 11.40 and asked me to go for yumcha (dimsum) and I was like.. but but.. I haven't showered! She just basically said... go get ready and I'll come pick you up! So I went to yumcha.. met Ivan, Elvry's Filipino friend.. it was just 3 of us at yumcha.. was great catching up with Elvry and getting to know Ivan.. we had lots of laughs.. talked heaps about anything and everything.. and of course food's always good! Just when we were about done, Dhani came by to catch up with us. Elvry was going to the All Blacks vs Ireland game that night.. and wanted to buy face paint.. so we went to the $2 shop and actually painted the face just outside the shop (yeah.. she couldn't wait!) LOL! And then Ivan wanted to go shopping so we headed to Lambton Quay.. drove around for a bit trying to find a carpark.. and eventually got one! Within 2 minutes of parking the car.. Ivan purchased a scarf! Geez.. talk about wanting to shop! hahahah... Dhani and I chatted quite a bit about photography and places to go take photos.. and just got to know each other pretty much. It was good. We've seen each other around at various Indonesian events before.. but never actually got introduced or talked. We agreed to contact each other the next time we go out photo hunting. So excited to have new friends to go take photos with! We ended up at Starbucks for a quick drink and Elvry dropped me home around 5pm.

Not long after I got home, Tuntun texted me to see what I was up to. I've not seen him since March.. and he was missing his brother who just went back to Indonesia. I told him that he could come over and hang out if he wanted company. I was hosting an International Sister chat on SIS at 8pm.. so was planning to stay in anyway. By about 6.30pm the weather had turned horrid! It was really cold and wet and I was soooo glad I was staying home! He came over around 7.45pm and we just hung out watching American Idol and Princess Diaries on tv.. and just caught up. And also I was hosting the International Sisters chat on SIS. I think it must have been really nice on the other side of the globe 'cos no one was around! Eep!!! Only Caro, Rach, Lesley, Natasja were around.. and Cris dropped by to say hi.. but that was it! Oh well...

Today I slept in since I went to bed really late last night... I signed up for the SISTV official ATC swap (despite saying that I won't take on anymore swaps for a while!), the theme is art. And I actually finished my cards!!! We had to make 15 each.. this is the first time that I've done something soooo far ahead of my deadline and actually liked them! Usually the pressure brings out my best ideas.. but I was so inspired from the moment I signed up for the swap and the whole thing came together quite easily for me. I just need to photograph them, get Stacey's addy and send them off to her!!!

I finally got to talk to Jay today.. he's doing well after his surgery.. thank you all who sent prayers and good vibes. He's home and not in too much pain. He's been doing his recommended exercises to strengthen his back and so he doesn't get stiff muscles from lying down too much too... so glad everything went well. :D

Well... I best be off to bed.. It's back to work tomorrow... and this week is going to be busy.. I just have a feeling! And this weekend, of course, is the SISversary weekend! I have so much to do before that!!

Have a fabulous week!!!
on her weekend and saw that it was awesome!

It was a long weekend here in Wellington - Queen's Birthday weekend and the last long weekend until October! Yikes!

Friday night I caught up with Nixon over dinner.. it was good. We've not seen each other for a few months.. and as always had lots to talk about. After dinner, Andy came and picked us up and off we went to Koko and Gina's place in Avalon. Andy sought out Koko's help with his comp problems and Gina and I had a lovely catch up session. It's been too long since we saw each other. After dropping Nixon home, Andy dropped me off and we chatted for a while in the car. He's leaving New Zealand indefinitely in a couple of weeks.. it's sad to see friends leave. At home I chatted with Edwin online and made plans for Saturday.. so that was good. :D

Saturday I had a mini sleep in (till about 9.30am) and just pottered around the house for a bit. Put finishing touches on my Scrapjack layout and emailed that off to Stacey. The FGirls and Mod Squad got to guest jack this month's jackee Lisafisa. Go check out the Scrapjack blog. Here's my take on the layout.

At around 1pm Edwin came and picked me up and we headed off to Old St Paul's church in Thorndon. It was really quiet which was good since we wanted to take photos there. I learned to use the different settings on my camera (I'm embarrassed to say that it's taken me this long to learn how to make full use of all the different settings!). Just experimented a lot really. It was good. We spent close to an hour there. Edwin of course is an amazing photographer and has a proper DSLR... and he's a great teacher too!

We wandered into town next... found a parking spot near Hotel Intercontinental and we bumped into Budi, one of Edwin's friend who's also an avid photographer. So we chatted with him for a bit and then wandered off to Queen's Wharf to find objects to photograph. I fell in love with the new Meridian Energy building. It's a really cool structure.. and there was a nice wooden panel wall there that I thought would make a pretty cool background. So I set up my tripod and tried to get jump shots using the timer. It was really frustrating as I couldn't get the timing right. God knows how many times I had to re-set the timer and how many times I jumped around (kept me warm though!) Edwin had a field day photographing me making a fool of myself. LOL! But I had a lot of fun.. and I finally got the shot I wanted... after I don't know how many tries.. but looking back through all the pictures I got, it struck me that I looked really happy in many of them.. even the blur ones.. even all the out takes.. I have never been a fan of my 'natural' shots.. somehow I just don't think I look good in them. But I was really pleased with some of the ones I got... I think I looked/felt really carefree.

And after we got sick of me jumping around, we went off towards Lambton Quay to look for a few more shots, by that stage, it was starting to get dark and we called it day - a very good day at that.

That night I stayed home and hosted the International Sisters Chat at SISTV. I chatted with Kevan for a bit too and uploaded my photos.. found that I shot 244 photos that afternoon alone! Crazy! And of course I scrapped.. tried to but no mojo for paper scrapping so I went digi for this month's Kiwi Jack Me Up. Come and play along!! Yup.. I used the photos I shot that afternoon!

Sunday was a very relaxing day. I got up and had my coffee... and turned on my laptop to check my emails and the SIS boards and then picked up Eat Pray Love which I started months ago! I usually read pretty fast, but in the past few months I just didn't have the luxury to sit for a few hours to read (well, sometimes I chose to scrap instead). But yesterday I wanted to finish the book and so I did! I caught up with a friend online too and then just hung out on SIS for a little bit till I went to mass at 5pm. Went to New World Metro for a few essentials and picked up McDonalds (I was craving it for some reason!) for dinner on the way home. The Chronicles of Narnia was on tv last night.. it was really good (yeah, I haven't seen it before) and now I can't wait to go and see Prince Caspian which is coming out on the 19th! After that, Girl with the Pearl Earring came on and I watched that too. Pretty good. I couldn't sleep.. not sure why.. but at 1.30am I suddenly got the urge to paint.. so broke out the acrylic paint and canvas! Painted for a bit and went to bed at 3am.

Today I had a real sleep in.. the first time in a lonnnnngggg while! It was nice since it was pouring down outside. Rained pretty much the whole day! I finally got to catch up with Giuseppina online.. we both kept missing each other for the past month or so. So we had a big catch up session while I finished up the canvas I started last night and then started and finished another one! Pretty productive I must say. Still have to take photos of them though.

Tonight has been pretty cruisy.. just relaxing.. chatted with Jay on the phone. He's got his back surgery tomorrow.. so if you could say a little prayer for him.. I'd really appreciate it. :D

So... it's back to the grindstone tomorrow.. I best get ready for bed and have an early night.

Have a great week!!
I've had a pretty good weekend.. despite the really cold and wet weather. I caught up with Gabriel on Friday night and we had a really great time reminiscing, catching up with events in each other's lives, enjoying good food, going for a coffee and even learning new things about each other. It was great... too bad he lives in New Plymouth, so I don't get to see him very often.

On Saturday I met up with Lisa for dinner at CHA, one of our favorite places.. or the place we seem to always end up going to when we catch up. The last time we saw each other was in mid-March.. a long time ago!!! So we had a really good yak and just updating each other on the current going ons in our busy lives and what we've been up to in the past month or so. On Sunday we went out to Dressmart Tawa and went boots shopping too. :D Totally scored a pair of off white leather boots for a really great bargain! Couldn't resist eventhough I wasn't looking for anymore shoes! They are so soft and so comfortable!!

Monday was a whirlwind of a day at work and I didn't finish till close to 6pm and then I stopped by at New World Metro to pick up a few grocery items.. came home and made dinner. I made extra too for the next few days.. so I don't have to worry about buying lunch or being too tired to cook after work.

Last night I had a really great chat session with Kevan who lives in Auckland. We haven't seen each other since February last year.. and we don't catch up very often, but it was really good to talk last night.. frustrating though... due to the bad weather, cellphone signals were really bad and we resorted to chatting on MSN instead. The thing is, with Kevan, it doesn't matter how long we've not seen each other or talked.. we always managed to chat as if we've just seen each other last week.. really comfortable.. and I am really thankful for that.

Mom and dad rang and we caught up too. I really miss them! It was nice to talk to them and they were totally worried about me being cold and getting caught in the rain and all.. and of course they left me with plenty of advice and suggestions and mom even gave me cooking suggestions .. I know they miss me too! :D

Today was pretty good.. work calmed down a little and I had a nice little catch up about our weekends with Sarina. It's always nice to sit down and eat lunch together and just chat. We always manage to talk about soooo many different things... she's more like family than a boss really.. and I LOVE that. :D

Rang and spoke to Jay after dinner tonight... we didn't talk for long since we've both been leading pretty boring lives.. LOL! I told him about what I did in the weekend and so did he.. and just chatted about a few other things...

And then I rang and chatted/vented to Kevan about things... it was really good to get some things off my mind. I really appreciated him taking the time to talk to me. He mentioned something that I'm really going to try and consciously do in my life from now on. I probably do it already.. but I need to remember to do at least one thing that I really really love and enjoy every day.. even if it's for only 30 minutes. That means each night I'd go to bed happy in knowing that I've done something I'm really passionate about (according to Kevan.. and I totally agree!) :D

So with that.. I'm off to scrap some! :D

Have a great week ahead!


I scrapped just now!! All scrapped, scanned and posted on SISTV all under an hour! That's a first! LOL! Never scrapped so fast before. Just a simple layout... but I'm really happy with it. Used the Romantic Collection again (Thickers not included in the collection).

I'm catching up with Gabriel tomorrow night.. can't wait! Haven't seen him for a few months and he's just down here in Wellington till Sunday.

And Saturday I'll be catching up with Lisa .. a long overdue catch up! We've both been really busy. I am really looking forward to having dinner with her 'cos we always have so much fun together and laugh like maniacs when we see each other. I miss working with her...

Ok.. I'm off to bed now.. TGIF tomorrow!! WOOHOO!!!
Yeah.. I don't even know what to title my posts these days! LOL!

Wow.. the weeks have just flown past... time really has been sneaking up on me!! What have I been doing? Let's see...

I received my Trendsetter and the Romantic collections from SISTV about 2 weeks ago and I have managed to play with the Romantic. Have yet to use the Trendsetter (Hopefully soon!).

I scrapped a random and funny conversation with Breanne. :D I used my vintage KI Memories papers.. LOVE them.. finally had the courage to cut them up! (click on the picture to read convo)

I mass produced ATCs - 60 of them to be exact, for the Sister to Sister swap on SISTV. I sent them off to Nicole in the US yesterday and I'll be getting 60 different ones back (hopefully!) including one of my own. I'm soooo excited to get them back. I'm happy with what I did for mine.

Said goodbye to Liang on Saturday. She left to go back to Indonesia and Andy will be following suit in a month or so. (Photo courtesy of Adri)

Apart from that, I've just been staying home and trying to get through my to-do list. :D

I found a new little fun place called Scrapblog that makes digi scrapping so easy! I made these:

I'll be back again later this week. I'm praying for good weather this weekend so I can go out and take some new photos (hopefully).

Until then.. have a great week!!!
