Intensive dance practice today... my legs were like jelly afterwards! Went to Ballroom to check out the monthly pool tournament - didn't play this month since they were playing 15-ball instead of the usual 8-ball. Hung out with friends there for a bit and went home. Made lunch for tomorrow, edited some daily photos and called it a day.
Got up at the crack of dawn today! Dhani came pick me up and got all my stuff for the garage sale.
Got to Mba Nina's place to set up and got invited for breakfast! :) Was there all day - 7am-5pm and I made quite a few sales... almost all my scrapbook stuff and books, about 1/2 of my shoes, a few handbags but the clothes were hard to move! It was such a social event with a lot of the usual people there and the embassy families.
Got pretty sunburnt on my arms and shoulders too! Ugh! Totally forgot the SPF on my arms!
Went to Kazu for dinner with the boys and went home. Mom rang to chat for a bit and I pretty much crashed early! It's been a long day!
Today was pretty intense with end of month reporting to do. Got home at 5.40pm (pretty late for a Friday!) and jumped in the shower and got ready for Rania & Hana's party. Gusti came by and hung out while I did my make up and we went off to Rania's.
There were lots of people.. mostly people I knew and a few new faces.... pretty good dinner of nasi uduk. When Mba Nina came, I fed Kezia dinner and played with Baby Zay.
Later on in the evening, we all got camera crazy and just took lots of photos.
Went home and went to bed - have a very early start tomorrow morning!
Still not 100% today but the medication definitely worked!!
Work was really busy and felt really long but actually finished at 4.45pm today. Jumped straight in the shower when I got home and put a laundry in the wash.
Priced more stuff for the garage sale and pretty much finished all the pricing I had to do for Saturday.
Woke up with signs of a cough developing - got to work and went to the pharmacy next door to get some cough syrup. By about midday, I had developed a cold and felt like crap! Went to and got Day and Night tablets. Got home from work and slept till 7.15pm! Didn't even really feel like eating.. chatted with Mba Nina about Pelangi Nusantara t-shirts and Napier trip.
Watched Gilmore Girls for a bit and discussed the garage sale on Saturday with Dhani and went off to bed.
Ugh... throat feeling a bit tickly - warning signs for a cough coming! Yuck!!
Did a load of laundry and started to get stuff priced for garage sale today. Wanted to scrap but wasn't really feeling it tonight. listed 2 more dresses on Trademe and went to bed.
Today was pretty crazy at work... met up with Lisa and went for our walk.
Made panfried fish and stirfry bok choy for our dinners - it's nice to eat with someone.. I get bored of eating on my own most days, so on the days we walk, I love having Lisa's company when I cook and eat.
Listed a couple of dresses on Trademe - hopefully they'll sell. Mom rang for a quick chat and caught up briefly with Yuk Wen on Facebook chat.
Went to 11am mass today and stopped by New World Metro to pick up a few essentials. I went to my favorite place - Borders to read for a bit and then went to KBRI for the usual Sunday dance practice today.
Mami Dien made bakso for us today.. yummy! :) When I got home after practice, I gave my stove a good scrubbing and cleaned the bathroom and mopped the kitchen too. Was good to get all these chores done...
Spent the evening chilling - checked emails, watched Gilmore Girls again and called it a day.
Gusti rang up and suddenly asked if I wanted to go for brunch. We went to the Occidental for build your breakfast (for brunch of course!).... went window shopping for a little bit and then met Emir and Rania. We looked at accessories for Rania and I ended up buying 2 rings at Diva. :)
Gusti dropped me off to dance practice and I had everyone sign Rania's birthday card. All of us went to Buller St to surprise Rania with her bday card and present. And then she came back to my place where I did her make up for her birthday dinner.
Relaxed for a bit, showered and got ready for a night out in town. We went club hopping and had lots of fun!! :)
Andre, Cendra and I had an early breakfast at KC and they both dropped me home. Cendra was leaving to go back to Indonesia permanently tomorrow. So it was good to be able to catch up with him.
Today was pretty quiet at work and I got to finish at 4pm but I stayed at work to chat with Boy on Facebook. It's been a while since we caught up. Met up with Ovy, Tia, Keni and Fina and then met up with Rania for coffee at Expressoholic. Eventually due to the boys not being able to decide about dinner, I had Friday night dinner with the girls at R&S Noodle House.
I asked Dhani & Lia if they would mind taking me grocery shopping as I had a very bare pantry at home!! So we did and I picked up a chocolate twist (just a sudden craving for it).
I spent the evening with a cup of coffee, chocolate twist and Gilmore Girls!! :) Ti Lin rang and we had a good catch up session too.
I called it a night pretty early today...
Thursday! YAY!! One more day till the weekend! Thursdays are great... I put together more embellishments in little groups tonight... trying to do a bit of a purge.
Ash Wednesday today - went to mass at 5.15pm with Matheus. Just had a quiet evening at home tonight..Put together some scrappy stuff to sell and just checked FB and emails.
Andre, Cendra and a friend, Nina, came down to Wellington - met up with them for coffee before heading off to watch Valentine's Day with the girls. It's been a really long time since I last saw Andre. Was really great to catch up with him.
Disha couldn't come at the last minute because she wasn't feeling well, so I rang Marc to see if he wanted to go to the movie. He met up with us at Readings and went with us girls. He nodded off at various parts of the movie - hahah... I guess it's too much of a chick flick for him!
After the movie, Marc went home to get his car and picked, me, Lia and Ovy up and drove us to Khandallah where we met up with Dhani, Andre, Cendra and Nina. Mom fed us! Yum! Very late dinner... Marc enjoyed the food too, so that was good...
Went home at close to 11pm... was a nice evening out!
Today I walked to work (the long way via Lambton Quay) in my new orange heels and survived all day in them! They're so comfy!!! :)
Went for evening walk with Lisa and came home and had dinner together.. always lots of fun!
Went to 11am mass today and then walked along Lambton Quay. Was not looking for anything in particular... just window shopping and then I walked past Mischief Shoes and saw the sale table outside laden with orange hued shoes! I couldn't resist having a peek and I saw a pair of heels I tried on back in December on SALE!!! 1/2 price!! I went in, tried it on and in the end bought it!
Went to Borders to have a read and kill time before I had to go to the Embassy for dance practice.
Rushed home after dance, showered and got a ride to Rania's place where I met up with the girls - Rania, Tia, Ovy and Hana. Ovy and I went ahead to Readings to purchase tickets for Valentine's Day (the movie) for cheap Tuesday and then went to La Casa Pasta where we're having single girls' Valentine's Day dinner together. The others were a bit late but it was all good. We ordered, and while waiting for our food, cam-whored quite a bit. :)
After dinner, we went to Starbucks to hang out for a bit and then got dropped home by Rania's friend. I don't usually go out on Sunday evenings, but it was good to be out with the girls.. plus it's first day of Chinese New Year today.. so it's nice to not be alone.
Chinese New Year Eve today... was feeling a bit homesick - one of those rare times. Usually Chinese New Year Eve means a big family dinner and hustle and bustle throughout the day preparing for the dinner. I'm away from home and there really isn't much Chinese New Year atmosphere here in Wellington, so I was feeling a bit blue....had dance practice today and took lots of pics with Baby Zay... he's too cute! Look at his expression and the sideway glance! Hihihih... he lifted my spirits a little bit.
Spoke with mom and dad and Vince, my sister-in-law.. and then Sammy texted me to see if I've had dinner... so I met up with him and Priza and we went to Miyabi for Japanese. I very nearly had a very pathetic CNY eve dinner of instant noodles.. thankfully that didn't happen.
After dinner, mom rang again and we caught up for a bit. And I went to bed feeling a bit better than when I woke up this morning. :)
Made mie goreng in conjunction with Britt's birthday (yesterday) for everyone at work - all of them enjoyed it! YAY! I love it when my friends enjoy my cooking. :)
I really wanted to paint my nails tonight...but couldn't really decide on which of these 3 colors i wanted to use... in the end I put it off and just surfed this really cool website for photos featuring nailpolishes! :)
Didn't really feel like scrapping tonight, so I pre-planned more weekly layouts... I sketch them out on little pieces of paper and stick them to the background paper that I've chosen. :)
Gave Britt her birthday card and present (a recipe book) today at lunch (since she won't be at work on her birthday tomorrow) - she was totally delighted with it!! YAY! :)
I promised Britt that I would make her prawn fritters for lunch tomorrow... it was really therapeutic spending time in the kitchen today... listened to my fave tunes while I cooked.
Didn't go for a walk today.. just as well since it took quite a while to cook!
Cam-whored with Kezia during dance practice today! She's such a little ham!! That facial expression of hers came without any prompting apart from "Kezia, smile for the camera"!
She's too darn adorable!!!
Went to Courtenay Place for the NZI Rugby 7s street party tonight... had a great time with the girls plus Marc and Dhani.
Went for a drink at a Japanese bar later on (can't remember the name!) with Marc and then met up with Sammy, Adjie and his friend, Melissa at Public... didn't stay out too late.. was home by 2am... :)
My feet were totally dead though.... wore my new heels out tonight and thought that I'd broken them in enough.. obviously not!
My daddy's birthday today! Finished work a bit earlier and went to Borders to look for a present for Britt.
Dhani & Lia came pick me up and then Lia and I went window shopping to kill time. Met up with Sammy & Gusti and we went off to Sweet Mother's Kitchen, but it was too full and we had to wait for 30 minutes, so we decided to have dinner at CHA instead. Food was great!
Since it was such a nice warm evening, we decided to go sit at a pub (The Black Harp) to people watch (Rugby 7s is on - and lots of people dress up in really interesting costumes!). We didn't actually stay for long and there wasn't many people walking around yet, so we left and went home. Didn't do too much at home, just surfed SISTV gallery, checked Facebook and rang my daddy.
Sat in the evening sun listening to my fave tunes... ahhhh... bliss!
I marinated chicken last night and then made Hainanese chicken rice after Lisa and I got back from our walk... yummy! I LOVE this dish!
Came home from work and did a boat load of ironing! Ugh! Hate ironing... that's why I don't do it often... but am running out of things to wear.. so I had to.
Flat out day at work today... don't feel 100%, like I've got a cold coming on... ugh! Took meds to keep it away - skipped evening walk with Lisa today since she wasn't feeling well too. Spent the evening editing photos and completed journaling for last week's layout. Started reading Breaking Dawn again! Heehee.. this is like the 6th time and I still love the story!