Ok... I just got Jay (bf) to pick 2 numbers and the winners of the RAKs are:


Ladies.. peamail me on 2peas (my username:mizzm) with your postal address and I'll get these out to you. Or you could leave your email address here and I'll contact you guys for your addresses. :)

I'll update shortly about my long weekend girls trip, Scrappy 500 and "Scrapped - The Movie" by Wes Thomsen.

Stay tuned!!
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    hi michelle. thanks for dropping by my blog:) looked like you had fun in auckland. i recognise some of the places you went...lol

  2. xobellaaimox Says:

    oooh i totally wanted to hear about that movie, and see it!! :) how was it? tell us!