Right... in celebration of today being Friday and the long weekend coming up and just because I feel like it, I'm RAKing 2 people (from anywhere but NZ and Aussie) these YUMMY Tim Tams! Cathy Zielske was totally hooked on these when she came to New Zealand in August to teach at Crafting Connections 06.

How do you get in the draw for these yummy treats?? Just leave a comment with your name and email address. On Tuesday night (Monday for those of you on the other side of the world), I will get Jay to draw two names and I'll post the winners here. Simple right? So... what are you waiting for? Get those comments in!

Now Kiwi & Aussie friends.. I will post a RAK later on just for you guys ok. :)
28 Responses
  1. ~currant7 Says:

    awesome stuff there! don't eat too much of those...too addicting and you can't stop! Hahahaa!

  2. Joyous Says:

    Hm, I've never had these, but I would love to try, chocolate is my FAVE!

  3. Tracy Says:

    Mmmm. Never tried that kind of chocolate, but it sure looks YUMMY!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Looks like something that needs to take a trip to Texas!



  5. Jamie Says:

    I have to have to have to have those!!!!!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    I'd love to try yummy chocolate from your neck of the woods!

  7. Anonymous Says:

    i'd LOOOOOOVE to try these!!

    i'm pregnant...AND LOOOOOVE chocolate!!

    toss my name in!


    have a beautiful weekend!


  8. Anonymous Says:

    I've never tried them!


  9. Jamie Says:

    never tried but they do look yummy

  10. Claude Says:

    I'm always up for trying out new chocolate!!!

  11. Anonymous Says:

    How kind of you to be sharing the love of chocolate and tim tams with the whole world!

    The photos from Lord of the Rings were pretty good too.


  12. a chocolate RAK?
    I'm totally in!


  13. Shirley Says:

    Never have tried them but heard that they're good!

  14. corinne5 Says:

    even though I am on a diet these look HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! count me in!

    Corinnexxx(the netherlands!)

  15. Sandie Says:

    Ohhh. how very cool. I'm dying to know "What's a Tim Tam???" All I know is I LOVE chocolate.

  16. Sherri Says:

    Chocolate? Treat? Rak? How SWEET of you! :-)

  17. xobellaaimox Says:

    very "sweet" of you michelle!! ;)

  18. Anonymous Says:

    Bonjour from la France and la Normandie!!!



    Gorgeous things!

  19. Wow those look yummy.
    Check your Email.
    Have a great weekend,

  20. Anonymous Says:

    I have never had one, but I'd love to try it. Great RAK! ~jen

  21. Anonymous Says:

    I would love to try these. A girl can never have too much chocolate.

  22. Anonymous Says:

    They look yummy Michelle and I love chocolate. Very "sweet" of you! :)

    Kellie (babygotscraps)

  23. Anonymous Says:

    I love Tim Tams!!!

  24. Anonymous Says:

    Yum! Those look absolutely divine!

  25. Johnny Ong Says:

    i like tim tam too, but i have not seen the latte version in KL yet.

  26. islandgirl Says:

    oh gosh, those LOOK so good! WOW! cool rak for sure!

  27. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, they look yummy! I've never had those Chocolates but Chocolate can never be wrong so I'm betting they're delicious! :))

    Doreen (tagsforme25@yahoo.com)