Today has been a crazy day at work!!!! I felt like I've been running around like a headless chook all day!Tomorrow is looking pretty much the same! ETA: A chook is a chicken. :D
P/S: If any of my loyal blog readers are wondering, yes, I'm still doing my daily cards, I'm planning to post them on a separate blog. I'll post a link on my side bar when I do. :D
Today I turn 28!!! OMG!
My 27 years on this earth has been pretty great so far.... I'm in good health.. I'm surrounded by people I love.. I have achieved some of the things I want to achieve in my life.. I've got a roof over my head, I have a job, I'm never without food... So, nothing to complain.
My aunt did this for me (on our family blog).... some photos are pretty old.. some as recent as last Christmas. :D
Michelle...Ma Belle....7.11.07
Happy Birthday...My Gal
Have a wonderful time..
Be grateful..
Be thankful..
and God Bless you always.
Hugs and Kisses
ti Lin and Un keith
My day so far has been fantastic! It's sunny and warm (my favorite kind of weather).
My bosses bought morning tea and gave me an amazing present (will take photos and post later on tonight).... lot of friends texted, emailed and posted birthday messages for me... and at lunch time I went to church for daily mass. This is something I do every year on my birthday, I have to go to church to give thanks and to ask for God's blessings and guidance for a new year in my life.
Back later to update more! Thanks for all the wishes!
I was soooooo happy to see the sun! On Saturday I went out for brunch with the usual brunch crew - Adri, Laura and Andy... and Liang(Andy's wife) and Laura's mom.... we went to Sweet Mother's Kitchen. Now we've been there really often for dinner and dessert before, but most of us haven't been there for brunch so we thought we'd check it out.
I had Big J's breakfast (pictured below)... it was pretty good.. the sausage was really tasty! Full of flavors! After brunch we went for a walk along the waterfront and ended up at a restaurant/bar for coffee. Spent a couple of hours there just catching up with each other and it was great. The day was just lovely with a light breeze.. and you can see so many girls walking around in summer gear!!!
Went home and Jay asked if I wanted to go to the Botanical Gardens to take photos. I jumped at the chance since it was such a nice day and I've not had any new photos lately. So we walked around and got lots of photos!! YAY!
That evening I chatted with Lies on MSN and kinda got myself and Jay invited over for dinner! :) She had asked me on Friday for my mee goreng recipe.. and when we chatted.. she reported that she'd made them and they came out a little different to how mine tasted. So I said, she'll need to make them for me one day to test. And she said 'now?' and that's how Jay and I ended up at Lies' place for dinner. We got to meet Mao, one of Lies' flatmates. He's an avid photographer.. and has taken amazing photos! I loved them!! He took out his fisheye lense and we had a bit of silly fun! LOL!
All in all.. a great night... good food (Yes Lies.. your mee goreng was great!!!) and great company.. and a funny comedy, The Sweetest Thing (one of my all time favorites!) on TV. Just perfect.
Sunday was pretty quiet.. Jay and I went to North City Plaza for a look around... I was on the hunt for Fiskars XL Circle punch at KMart but there wasn't any there! Hmph! We had an early dinner at the foodcourt and off we went to do a bit of grocery shopping and that was our Sunday.
All in all a pretty satisfying weekend! A few shots from my SaturdayBig J's Breakfast
Andy & Liang
I love this!Jay took lots of photos of me.. here are a few faves...This is my most favorite photo at the moment.I have a thing for these kind of lamp posts! I would be in lamp post heaven on the streets of London!!! :D
Flower shots I took...
Well.. that's it for now. Scrappy update soon!